The Harmon Family
The Harmon Family: a story of appreciating the little things
With all of their little souls, children want to be known and loved. When I walk into a home and a child starts pulling out all of his toys, one by one, I know that he's not just showing off his stuff. No, he's telling me who he is. He's inviting me into his world and waiting, full of hope, to see how I respond. He wants to see if I'm interested in him, not just the Star Wars lego set that he's building. And the greatest gift that I can give, and that we as parents can give, is our presence. When we give our loving presence, children completely transform before our eyes. Their souls swell with worth and they knows that they are loved.
This is the story of the Harmon Family - a family who decided to devote one day to being present and to savoring life...