Save Connor
This is a story that breaks my heart to tell but I know that in doing so it can help save my new friend, Connor. He is such an amazing kid and he stole my heart from the minute that I met him. We talked about frogs and dinosaurs as I photographed the love that he shares with his family. His parents say that he’s “only love” and that’s exactly what I witnessed when I was with him too. Connor was recently diagnosed with Sanfilippo Syndrome Type C, a genetic degenerative brain disorder in children caused by a missing enzyme. This disease is like Alzheimer’s, but in children and it’s currently 100% fatal. Connor will stop doing all of the things that a normal 12 year old boy does and will suffer from physical pain, seizures, severe dementia and he’ll die from this horrible disease. It’s a nightmare diagnosis for any family to hear and Connor’s family needs our help.
The Cure Sanfilippo Foundation reached out to me to photograph Connor and his family for a fundraiser that can help fund the clinical trials needed to save Connor and other children like him. We all are counting on your donations to help save Connor. Please share Connor’s story with your family and friends. I’m asking you to donate what you can and if you are unable to donate please continue to help Connor by sharing his story on social media.
Read more about Connor’s story and DONATE HERE.
Thank you for your help!
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