The Peterson Family
The Peterson Family: A Story of Peaceful Presence
On a snowy and frigid Saturday this past April I visited the Peterson's homestead in Muncie, IN. I've always thought of Teresa Peterson as my long haired, barefooted little cousin. She still has that beautiful, waist length hair and hardly ever wears shoes, but on this day I got to know her as a mommy, a wife and homesteader. She had a peaceful presence and joyful spirit as she went about her day- cooking, cleaning and mothering. As she prepared a home cooked meal with her little ones running about under her feet I could tell that her soul was content and that she found tremendous pleasure in motherhood. She and her husband, Daniel, are high school sweethearts who have embraced a simple life. Their home is a little boy's paradise, with baby chicks peeping under a heat lamp in the kitchen and goats out in the pasture. Their 3 boys are practicing the basics of homesteading like growing their own food, cooking and caring for their animals. They're learning what it means to live in community with each other and that all you need to have a really good time is a laundry basket and your brothers. Here are Teresa's thoughts about her Taproot Session along with handful of photographs from our half day together.
“...We opened ourselves up to having our real, daily life, “life in the raw” captured on camera. Instead of catching the beautiful moments of polished planning, we captured moments of reality- the precious and the messy, the unplanned and the natural. There is something refreshing and brave about letting go of the planning and control and just “being.” These photos capture who are family is at the core. We will look back at these snapshots from a day in of our life and remember the beautiful, crazy moments of raising an energetic and joyful family.”
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