Quarantine Fun For Kids! Learn Photography!

We’re beating the quarantine blues with creativity!

In mid March, I posted these photo challenges and dozens of kids took part in learning photography and sharing their photos. Kids of all ages (preschool through high school) were inspired to observe the world around them and to photograph their lives. I was completely blown away by the photos that they shared.

Now, your kids can enjoy working through these challenges at their leisure with whatever camera they have handy! In these 4 videos, I’ll teach them a handful of photography basics that will get them exploring the world around them in greater detail than they have before. Challenge #3 even includes a fun craft to help them learn about composition. All of the challenges require them to move their feet and be actively creative! Yes, the contest has ended and I’m no longer accepting submissions on Facebook so just breeze by the parts in the videos where I ask your kids to post their photos in the comments and where I talk about the contest prizes and deadlines.

I would love to see and even share your kids’ photos! If you’d like, please have them choose their favorites and email them to me at kate@taprootphotos.com.

Have fun!